
RasterDemSource component.



Init Map

Render v-rasterdem-source component.


idtruestringsource id
urlfalsestringA URL to a TileJSON resource. Supported protocols are http:, https:, and mapbox://<Tileset ID>.
tilesfalsestring[]An array of one or more tile source URLs, as in the TileJSON spec.
tileSizefalsenumberThe minimum visual size to display tiles for this layer. Only configurable for raster layers. Defaults to 512
attributionfalsestringcustom attribution
boundsfalsenumber[]An array containing the longitude and latitude of the southwest and northeast corners of the source's bounding box in the following order: [sw.lng, sw.lat, ne.lng, ne.lat]. Defaults to [-180,-85.051129,180,85.051129]
minzoomfalsenumberMinimum zoom level for which tiles are available, as in the TileJSON spec. Defaults to 0
maxzoomfalsenumberMaximum zoom level for which tiles are available, as in the TileJSON spec. Data from tiles at the maxzoom are used when displaying the map at higher zoom levels. Defaults to 22
exaggerationfalsenumber拉伸,0~1000之间,默认 1
encodingfalsestringThe encoding used by this source. Mapbox Terrain RGB is used by default. One of "terrarium", "mapbox". Defaults to "mapbox".
volatilefalsebooleanA setting to determine whether a source's tiles are cached locally. Defaults to false

for more details you can access to mapbox website, go toopen in new window

Last Updated:
Contributors: timeroute